The Big Map workshop was held on Thursday 28 May 10.30–1pm and 2–4.30pm. People were invited to drop in to The Lab to have their say and put their ideas on paper. The Big Map is an opportunity for people who live, work and play in Haverfordwest to share ideas for the future of the town with architects, and urban design professionals. iDeA Architects practise and teach in Haverfordwest and are interested in the art/architecture interface and investigating what makes a place ‘work’. Maps are a great way to gain first insights and a new understanding.
Cynhaliwyd gweithdy’r Map Mawr ddydd Iau, 28 Mai rhwng 10.30-1pm a 2-4.30pm. Gwahoddwyd pobl i alw heibio i’r Lab i leisio’u barn a chyfleu eu syniadau ar bapur. Mae’r Map Mawr yn gyfle i bobl sy’n byw, gweithio a hamddena yn Hwlffordd rannu syniadau am ddyfodol y dref gyda iDeA Architects, sef cwmni cynllunio trefol proffesiynol. Maent yn gweithio a dysgu yn Hwlffordd ac mae eu diddordeb yn y rhyngwyneb celf / bensaernïaeth a’r hyn sy’n gwneud celf yn llwyddiannus. Mae mapiau’n ffordd wych o gael cipolwg cychwynnol ac i ennyn dealltwriaeth o’r newydd.