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How can we work together to unlock the potential of empty buildings and buildings at risk?
What part can community led and grassroots initiatives play in revitalising our town centres?
What are the benefits to owners of different approaches to working with stalled spaces?

The inaugural meeting of the Empty Property Owners Club Haverfordwest (EPOCH) will bring together interested parties with a panel of invited speakers to explore different approaches to working with stalled spaces.

Gitti Coats Freelance researcher and instigator of EPOCH*
Developing a register of empty properties

Jonathan Powell Director and curator Elysium Gallery and studios Swansea
Meanwhile use and the role of empty properties in the story of Elysium

Cris Tomos Animation and Impact Officer Arwain Sir Benfro
Community shares and the ownership of assets

Martin White Head of Regeneration at Pembrokeshire County Council
Town Teams and the Development of a toolkit

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*EPOCH def. a long period of time especially one in which there are new developments and great change