What art can be

//What art can be

Serena Korda: Black Diamond

30 August 2015|Black Diamond, Serena Korda, What art can be|

Artist Serena Korda was commissioned by Confluence to create a new participatory artwork for Haverfordwest that connects with the River Cleddau flowing through the centre of town. Paying homage to the anti-capitalist early 90’s underground rave scene in Pembrokeshire, Black Diamond harnessed the sonic power of the river to create a rave track with local musicians [...]

Davis & Jones

7 May 2015|Baseline study, Changing perceptions, Davis & Jones, Random Story Generator, Sharron Harris, What art can be|

Over a couple of days in June, artists Davis & Jones, equipped with a portable cafe and some marker pens, approached people out and about in Haverfordwest inviting them to chat about their thoughts and memories of the town. Young and old, holidaymakers, people on their own, people in groups, shoppers, workers, skaters, families, friends, [...]