Support for art and regeneration

//Support for art and regeneration

Changing places

27 February 2016|Changing places, Support for art and regeneration, What art can be|

Four short consultation events to begin the process of commissioning a contemporary public art work in Haverfordwest were held on Thursday 25 February 12.30- 1.30pm and 5.30- 6.30pm and Saturday 27 February 11.30am -12.30pm and 2.00 – 3.00pm. Each session began with a short presentation on what artists are doing in other towns and cities across [...]

Making the Connections – Open Space Event

19 November 2015|John Kippin, Open Space, Support for art and regeneration|

How can Art play a part in regenerating our County Town? An Open Space event held on Thursday 19 November 2015, 10am–4pm at The Lab. With the help of independent facilitators, Making the Connections aimed to provide a platform to explore how art can make a difference in Haverfordwest and inform the role that the Confluence [...]