The Big Map

//The Big Map

How did we get here?

8 January 2017|Changing perceptions, Support for art and regeneration, The Big Map, The story so far, Walks|

A geocaching and mapping game led by Haverfordwest town councillor, Jon Collier. . How do we get here?’ was the third in a series of Autumn walks  organised as part of the Lab’s programme for arts and regeneration in Haverfordwest.  Each guided walk aimed to give local people and visitors direct experience of the natural landscape within walking [...]

The Big Model Open Days

8 August 2016|Changing perceptions, Haverfordwest Festival Week, News, Projects, The Big Map, The story so far|

Over a hundred people engaged with the Big Model during Festival week in Haverfordwest. In a series of informal consultations we asked curious passers-by  to mark their favourite spots in town on the model, and  to explore the model's interactive features They told us what they loved about Haverfordwest (and what they didn't) and what they would change if they could. [...]

Confluence response to ‘Go West … HAVERFORDWEST A Vision for the Future’

17 June 2016|Changing perceptions, News, Support for art and regeneration, The Big Map, The story so far|

Pembrokeshire County Council recently published their vision for the future of Haverfordwest. Our response, which can be downloaded here, welcomes the Council's recognition of the important role the arts can play in regeneration, but goes further in asking questions about the way this plan will be realised: We welcome the masterplan proposals as a significant step forward toward what could [...]

The Big Map

26 April 2016|Changing perceptions, Feedback on the programme, News, Support for art and regeneration, The Big Map|

Led by Confluence partners iDeA Architects, the Big Map workshops took place over an eight-week period between August 16th and October 7th 2015. The workshop series built on an earlier pilot of the Big Map, which took place during the launch of the Lab during Whitsun. The Big Map gave people in Haverfordwest the opportunity [...]

Big Map Exhibition

31 March 2016|The Big Map|

From 25 February 2016, The Lab showcased the results (so far) of the Big Map project which Confluence partners iDeA Architects ran between August and October last year. The Big Map exhibition summarised the findings that came out of seven workshops, which consulted local stakeholders, including residents, traders and town planners, in an arts-led process [...]

The BIG Map – open review

25 September 2015|The Big Map|

Featured image: Members of  Haverfordwests’s commercial and business community working on the big map during the recent  Big map ‘Traders’  workshop During September and October 2015, The Lab hosted a series of targeted and open workshops to look at Haverfordwest’s town centre/ riverside, and contribute towards a vision for its future. The Big Map workshops [...]

Big ideas: back to the Future

8 September 2015|News, The Big Map, Transition Haverfordwest|

Saturday’s ‘drop in’ session with Transition Haverfordwest was open to everyone and had an environmental and sustainable theme . It was well attended and lots of ideas emerged in a constructive and lively debate around the table. We wrote/drew and plotted these on the Map. Subjects on the agenda included: Greening the river Community Energy: [...]


8 September 2015|News, The Big Map|

Featured image: Detail from the ‘Civitas’ Big Map: Cafe culture in Swan Square and how about a large specimen tree? Pound-stretcher occupies a key building at the focal point of Bridge Street and the square. Two  more interesting sessions on the Big Map took place last week as part of our Autumn programme of workshops . The first of these, [...]

The Big Map workshop

28 May 2015|The Big Map|

The Big Map workshop was held on Thursday 28 May 10.30–1pm and 2–4.30pm. People were invited to drop in to The Lab to have their say and put their ideas on paper. The Big Map is an opportunity for people who live, work and play in Haverfordwest to share ideas for the future of the town with architects, [...]