
Wild Hack Haverfordwest

24 October 2015|bloc, What art can be|

Event held at The Lab on Saturday 24 October 2015, 10am – 4pm. Haverfordwest has lots of beautiful natural spaces right on its doorstep. Wild Hack Haverfordwest was a gathering of makers, artists, diy and technology enthusiasts, computer programmers, wild folk, sea farers, ramblers, children, local residents and adventurous people. Everyone working together to invent [...]

Wild Hack Talk

14 October 2015|bloc|

Wild Hack Talk held on Wednesday 14 October 2015, 7.30pm. Pembrokeshire-based Creative Producer Kathryn Lambert came to talk about her work with bloc, the Creative Technology Network for Wales, and the concept of Wild Technology. Kathryn showed us examples of projects that inspire people to get outdoors using art and technology imaginatively and let us know how to get [...]