
Drawing on the past to inspire the future, Transition Haverfordwest has a mission to help the county town enter a new era of prosperity and growth, with a re-energised and re-localised economy at the heart of a network of thriving local communities.

Transition Haverfordwest aims:

To create local employment by:

Retrofitting existing housing, commercial and community buildings to make them warm and energy efficient
Generating more of our energy requirements from renewable sources
Increasing self sufficiency with regard to food and transport
To build a strong sense of community through the collective development of assets such as:

renewable energy schemes
community buildings, gardens and orchards
public green spaces
local transport and housing
care and health services
a local currency
festivals and community celebrations

Transition Haverfordwest is managed by a Steering Group, with members drawn from the local community, each representing different interests eg Local Food, Energy, Community Supported Agriculture, Festivals and Community Celebrations etc: and has an established track record of successful projects, all of which are documented on its website

Within this project Transition Haverfordwest will:

  • network with other Transition groups across Wales and further afield to raise awareness about the project and its achievements
  • help raise awareness locally about the project and build local capacity by encouraging and engaging volunteers in initiatives, thereby supporting the long term sustainability of the project
  • undertake grassroots and DIY Arts projects to help to rethink and visualise the way that we will need to live in a future that is not dependant on fossil fuels.
  • be involved with the neighbourhood planning process initiated through the Confluence Laboratory, to focus on and develop greening along the riverside and in the town centre
  • research and develop sustainable transport proposals that link key places in the town and along the river (neighbourhood plan)
  • investigate potential funding for a renewable energy project focused on the river and set up a working liaison group.